Due to advancements, daycare is gaining a lot of momentum. It has indeed brought a revolution in medicine. These procedures can be done quickly, and the patients get discharged within 24 hours. Minor surgeries are getting popularized as people have less time for everything. Managed by a team of highly specialized doctors, the daycare facility at life care multi-specialty hospital is one of the most sought-after facilities with advanced technology and top-notch medical and surgical facilities providing seamless and timely treatments for those who have time constraints and prefer single-day discharge. Benefits of Daycare these days, daycare surgeries are increasingly opted for by professionals as they have several advantages over traditional surgeries.
Daycare procedures at Lifecare day care center offer many benefits compared to conventional ways and are highly beneficial for our customers.
We prefer to set up prior appointments for all kinds of daycare surgeries so that the patient can get all the pre-surgery assessments beforehand, making the procedure faster. The daycare surgery cycle involves a pre-anesthesia check from an expert. After the primary evaluation, the anesthesia will choose the type of anesthesia per the surgery needs, the patient's condition, medical history, and ongoing treatments. After the surgery, the patient is taken to a recovery room, from which we discharge the patient after pre-decided observation time. We have several treatments in daycare surgery, including/not limited to:
In the case of daycare procedures, there is always a higher risk in case of the unavailability of a good caretaker. But we have been performing daycare surgeries with a success rate as high as 80%. Our doctors are dedicated to providing you with the best services at affordable prices and quality care.
Safe Care: Delivering health care which minimizes risks and harm to service users.
Reliable Care: Ability to successfully provide safe and person-centered care repeatedly. That we are effective, efficient and accessible/timely.
Patient Experience: Patients are an integral part of experiencing quality and safety related processes and are the ultimate recipients of care and judges of quality. That we are equitable and patient-centered in service delivery.