doctors consultation

LifeCare Hospitals

Doctors Consultation

The physical opinion given by a medical expert is rendered as a doctor's consultation. Doctors have been an integral part of our lives since the beginning. They have been diagnosing and treating us using techniques and medicines. As technology advances and scientific research has found modern medicine, doctors are saving our lives every day. Lifecare multi-specialty hospital has the most specialists under one roof to provide you with the best medical services available. Consultation is the primary step of diagnosis. It starts with the meeting between the patient and a primary physician.

Common goals of consultation include:

  • Obtaining a diagnosis.
  • Halting the progression of the disease
  • Cornea, Ocular Surface, and External Disease
  • Assessing risk factors or the risk of various medical conditions.
  • A person may seek medical consultation due to illness or old age

How does the consultation work?

You may seek medical consultation in two ways: primary talk, when you can directly connect with a doctor by visiting us or booking an online appointment, or you can connect to a doctor through a referral.

Doctors Consultation


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Why choose us?

Safe Care: Delivering health care which minimizes risks and harm to service users.

Reliable Care: Ability to successfully provide safe and person-centered care repeatedly. That we are effective, efficient and accessible/timely.

Patient Experience: Patients are an integral part of experiencing quality and safety related processes and are the ultimate recipients of care and judges of quality. That we are equitable and patient-centered in service delivery.


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