digital x ray

LifeCare Hospitals

Digital X-Ray

The radiology technique takes images of the insides of our body. It is the quickest way of checking bones and joints to figure out a variety of ailments like fractures, splits, or dislocations. X-ray gets done by trained technicians called radiographers. Different medical professionals, like dentists, also do an X-ray.

X-rays are radiation that cannot pass through the dense part of our body, like bones. They are painless and are not visible to the naked eye.

Uses of X-ray

It can examine most body parts. The most common use includes checking bones and joints. It can detect problems affecting soft tissues or internal organs as well.

Problems that an X-ray can detect are:
  • Fractures and breaks
  • Dental issues like tooth decay or loose tooth
  • Scoliosis
  • Brain tumors
  • Lung issues like Pneumonia and lung cancer
  • Dysphagia
  • Heat problems
  • Breast cancer
A radiologist is discussing the neck X-Ray of a patient.

Difference between traditional X-ray and digital X-ray.

  • Radiation Levels During traditional X-rays, the concern is radiation exposure. Even though it is a digital radiograph, people still get queasy. While an X-ray, our technician suggests wearing a lead apron, which compounds the fear of radiation exposure. The radiation emitted by X-rays is relatively low and is safe to receive after a few months. The radiation levels produced during digital X-rays are even safer than the standard X-rays since they emit 80% less radiation than classic rays.

  • Environmental Impact Traditional X-rays use a film to produce an image. Many chemicals are needed to develop pictures. If these toxic chemicals if not correctly disposed of, they will find their way into the environment. Films and chemicals both create non-biodegradable waste that is harmful to the environment. On the other hand, digital X-ray doesn't require film. It helps solve the problem of disposing of waste and produces less waste altogether.

  • Image Clarity Digital radiography, compared to traditional technology, produces far sharper images. Since digital sensors aid in creating higher-resolution images. It helps our doctors to check out every minute detail. The results are available quickly for assessment without the need to process them on films like traditional X-rays.

  • Record Keeping Digital media is stored virtually and is far easier than string films for a longer term. Digital X-rays are better than their predecessor in several ways. We at LifeCare Hospitals have embraced new technology for better and faster results.


Do you have any Questions? We are here!


Digital X-ray technology uses digital sensors to capture X-ray images of the body. The images are processed digitally and displayed on a computer screen.

Digital X-ray technology produces high-quality images that are more detailed and accurate than traditional X-ray images. It also uses less radiation and has faster processing times.

Yes, digital X-ray technology is safe. It uses significantly less radiation than traditional X-ray methods, making it safer for patients.

The cost of digital X-ray technology at LifeCare Hospitals depends on the specific procedure and the extent of imaging required. However, digital X-ray technology is generally more cost-effective than traditional X-ray methods.

Why choose us?

Safe Care: Delivering health care which minimizes risks and harm to service users.

Reliable Care: Ability to successfully provide safe and person-centered care repeatedly. That we are effective, efficient and accessible/timely.

Patient Experience: Patients are an integral part of experiencing quality and safety related processes and are the ultimate recipients of care and judges of quality. That we are equitable and patient-centered in service delivery.

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